Lucy Hale finds a new project after Pretty Little Liars in a new drama/comedy “Life Sentence,” about a girl who finds her life turned upside down after learning her terminal cancer has been cured.
Fans of the “Pretty Little Liars” universe may still be mourning the loss of their favourite gang of liars coming to their screens every week but can now ride a new adventure with one of its stars, Lucy Hale, in a new TV show “Life Sentence.”
“Life Sentence” stars Hale as Stella, a girl who has spent the last eight years living like she was dying, due to terminal cancer. As she traveled the world, faced her darkest fears and found true love on a whirlwind trip to Paris, Stella lived her life with reckless abandon. But when she finds out that her cancer has been cured, she is suddenly forced to face the long-term consequences of the “live in the moment” decisions she made, including marrying a total stranger (Elliot Knight). If that’s not tough enough, she also finds out that her “perfect family” isn’t so perfect after all.
“Most people think this show is about a girl with cancer,” Hale tells Variety. ”It’s actually a show about a girl who has no idea who she is and has to re-think he life because up until very recently, she was living as if there was no consequences for her actions. She was just living like there was no tomorrow.”
But things take a turn and Stella is faced with her world turned upside down. Now that’s she’s cured she slowly begins to see the impact her cancer had on her parents and family.
“There are definitely consequences for some of the choices she made while she was living like she was dying, Hale continues. “At the core of the show is a love story — this is a guy that she married on a whim because she thought she only had a few months to live, so she figured she might as well marry this guy, so she has to re-think about who this is that she’s married to and if they’re really in love. All of these secrets come out about her family. Her family had protected her from so much of the world because they wanted to give her the best life possible, and Stella realizes very quickly that the world is a scary and messed up place, and she’s got to find her place in it and find out what path she wants to make for herself.”
You can catch Hale on Life Sentence Wednesdays at 9 pm on the The CW.
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