Do you crave advice? Need some great tips for everyday beauty and lifestyle? The new CORAL Youtube Lifestyle channel will give you all the tips and tricks you need to live and look your best.
When it comes to getting quick tips and advice on how-tos, YouTube has become the go-to destination for women everywhere. From hairstyles to makeup tricks to fitness tips—you can find the answers your looking for in a snap. What’s even better is that now your can get all of this info on one channel.
Targeted at young, urban women the CORAL lifestyle channel (which boasts over 870,000 views) brings accessible, fun and “how-to” information to young woman who also want to be in the know when it comes to career advice, relationships, finance, health, wellness, household culture and technology.
Produced by RTR Media Inc., CORAL prides itself on producing informative videos hosted by relatable women posting fresh and new content five days a week.
At a recent Toronto event—where CORAL’s hottest hosts gave demonstrations from their various web series—CORAL announced that it is partnering with the popular U.S. based Kin Community, which will grow its reach and demography to new heights. Kin Community is the leading multi-channel women’s network on YouTube that features the best lifestyle programming with over 6 million subscribers and 1.9 billion views.
Clearly, we crave this content!
Some of CORAL’s popular YouTube web series you must check out include:
• Money Awesomeness with Shannon Simmons - Financial tips that help make your money situation awesome.
• Hairstory with Rose Huggett - Changing the way you think about your hair — fun facts and simple how-to’s for the modern sassy woman.
• The Domestic Geek with Sara Lynn Cauchon - Tips, tricks and shortcuts for 21st
century domesticity.
• Get Fit in the City with Eva Redpath - A series that gives you an inside look into how you can get fit in your city — featuring different studios, workouts, methods, and classes.
• Surviving Yoga with Sarah Bolen - Providing insight into the world of yoga to help enhance your practice.
• Edgy Veg with Candice Hutchings - A vegan cooking show that takes the boring out of plant-based recipes.
• Pinot and Prose - Nataleigh, and Lindsay do refreshingly honest, funny reviews of
empowering books aimed at improving your life.
• DesignHer Co. with Dara Frydman - Beautiful & practical DIY & crafting tutorials that can be done at home!
For great tips and advice, subscribe at
—Toni-Marie Ippolito